Did consciousness create the universe reddit

Did consciousness create the universe reddit. And when they separated themselves from it, they lost that subconscious link to other people, empathy and eventually even lost their subjective connection to their own bodies. 7 billion years old, yes humans have only exist led for a few hundred thousand years, according to science, but that's just a convenient fiction. He proposes a different perspective on reality and consciousness with science that reconciles the “unexplained” (e. Sep 25, 2023 · The concept proposes that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality, like mass or electrical charge. When you fall asleep tonight. We can begin to break down religious and spiritual texts to find the connections to the Flower of Life. We can choose to change it, however, which I think is what brings us possibilities such as a future free from scarcity and slavery. As the universe has no cause it can’t have an end either. So "the end of the universe" doesn't exist in actuality, because it would not have consciousness in it. after some volume of NN is achieved, it is able to approximate and simulate entire reality in it's structure. And he’s saying it’s not actually a problem because that “special kind of mind-separate-from-body consciousness that’s some ineffable mystery” does not exist, only the “mundane”, entirely-physical-universe-derived “conscious-experience” is what ACTUALLY exists. What we know is that all the matter and energy in the observable universe appears to have been compressed into a singularity (a single point) at the moment the universe began, and then rapidly expanded in what we call the Bing Bang. Of course this is just a theory. In our standard view of things, consciousness exists only in the brains of highly evolved organisms, and hence consciousness exists only in a tiny part of the universe and only in very recent history. Is consciousness something eternal that created this physical universe or did consciousness arise out of the physical universe? I feel like I could go either way on this question because on one hand we have no evidence of an over-arching mind that manifested the universe, and on the other hand it seems unlikely to me that consciousness could arise in a universe that isn’t conscious itself. something had to do the scientifically impossible The 'scientifically impossible' is the 'creation' of matter or energy. I mean the brain gave itself a name, wouldn’t be surprised if we created consciousness Allah created the heavens and earth in truth for truth. The newspaper was created as it is, with yesterday's news. A theistic generation of the universe and/or intervention within it, makes 3 unproven assumptions: The universe exists because god created it. consciousness is the ability to simulate the reality in the brain. Once one part of the universe is conscious, that universe contains consciousness, and therefore, the universe is conscious (in that consciousness exists in that universe). And it just continues like this. Our reality is just a derivative of consciousness. We’re really just consciousness and spacetime is a tool for consciousness to have utility. If the universe is not conscious, why did the universe create conscious life? As humans, we know we are conscious because we experience and feel things. I have no clue the answer to this question, but I feel if we are able to create these questions then our brain might have either created consciousness or discovered it. our thoughts, senses, motions cause different parts of the brain to activate. The question I hear more often is, when/how did consciousness appear in a non-conscious universe. Suffering is merely a fragile system's experience of its fragility, and is probably inevitable. Does that mean then that math was created when the universe was? Well, if by "universe" you mean the actual, real, external universe (the planets, stars, etc. A general reminder for the OP: please remember to include a TL; DR and to clarify what you mean by "consciousness" Your comment has been removed for violating comment rule 3: Be substantive in top-level comments. The brain produces consciousness but consciousness, whatever that is, exists in some alternate "dimension". Whether we like it or not, it forms part of our experience. It makes me think that I'm not even real. you will literally see yourself as an agent in the world and this will create the idea of self-awareness, in other words "consciousness". But then you are claiming it from the only position you can have or are, from the sole consciousness position, the mass consciousness is assumed by the sole consciousness, no one can say it from the position of the mass consciousness A reality, realm, dimension, all same word for our universe or the space we share. Lastly, about free will. Your subconscious self, is going to create a reality for your conscious self to interact with. Consciousness will find a way to continue in a parallel timeline where the universe doesn't end, or where it is able to re-manifest in a new universe. There is no beginning to the universe as it can have no antecedent cause. Concepts and logic unrealized is still something in the absence of spacetime or anything. In one universe, one choice is made, in the new universe, the other choice is made. We are living proof that consciousness can be created by a mechanical system or a system of quarks, atoms, molecules, RNA, DNA, proteins, cells, tissues, organs, etc. NDE’s, psychedelics etc. However, I would use the evidence I posited before- you never dream of colors you've never seen, which demonstrates that you aren't a creator of the Universe (or else you could create more in your dreams). " 7: Black Hole Genesis: Some speculate that each black hole might give rise to a new "baby" universe inside it, suggesting that our universe could have been birthed from a black hole in another universe. If, for instance, I chose to buy a cat in this universe, another universe would spawn in parallel dimension to this one that is exactly identical except that I chose to buy a dog in the new universe Humans "create the idea" of plenty of things but that doesn't mean they don't exist or aren't meaningful. Balloons did not create the particles inside them. If OP were the only conscious part of the universe and OP stopped being conscious, the universe would contain no conscious parts and therefore, the universe would not be Then I realised is it possible this does happen in death and/or if it did would your consciousness not manifest its own universe from memory and experiences, maybe this cycle has happened many times since we are talking about infinite ♾️. Through meditation, hypnagogic trance or psychedlics, we can weaken our connection to this interface (remove the VR headset to continue the simulation analogy) and take a peek at our true nature which is a fractal piece of this universal consciousness, and even travel to look at other interface/simulations it has created. Creation is an action verb, implying causality, implying time -- which as you point out later are concepts contained within the universe, and are thrown out the window when you ask yourself to step outside of it. Not entirely, a large portion of the atoms that comprise our bodies are as old as the universe (pretty much all hydrogen that exists in the universe was created shortly after the Bug Bang). ) This explains how consciousness created this Universe, and how it can create an infinite amount of them. Another theory is that our universe exists in another universe in which it was created from a black hole. Eventually the bubble expands (our universe is expanding) and then pops, becoming one with its parent universe again. From what I've read, they discovered the egregore (a constructed consciousness) within the noosphere (shared consciousness usually tied to the subconscious). God exists, at the very least, to create the universe. The "observable universe", i. God's plan is merely its natural drive to learn everything about itself, and then find an end state where no change occurs anymore. Your brain processes the Universe, rehashes it, but it doesn't create. In our own universe there will be 'bubble' universes so to speak created by someone, and by extension also defines how our own universe was created. Lucifer fell off the reservation by choice, yet you put all blame on God for Satan's bidding. A third is that the whole universe just popped into existence last Thursday (the date may vary though). What this, I think, means, is that God self-reflects through us. The reason we complicate things and ask silly questions like why is there everything is because of this thing called Counsciousness, Without counciousness we would have none of this questions, thus I ask was Counsciousness a mistake, if not a mistake why constantly looking for reasons to exist in a meaningless reality or life ? Jun 7, 2021 · Is the physical universe independent from us, or is it created by our minds, as suggested by scientist Robert Lanza? which argues that consciousness is the driving force for the existence of Your question was: "Why did consciousness emerge into this universe, only to inevitably face suffering?" The answer is that systems capable of consciousness are fragile. So even if consciousness worked like that, it would still be natural. God exists because it does. That’s enough for the universe have syntax and self create consciousness. Basically each universe is created as a perturbation or creation of the last one. It's like the universe wakes up, looks at itself and thinks "here I am again". Apr 29, 2015 · Explore the intriguing question of how our consciousness shapes the universe we perceive, and what science can reveal about it. You can look at it like that. But at the same time you can also easily claim that it was from the result of a mass consciousness. Yet scientists and great thinkers are unable to explain what consciousness is and they are equally baffled about where it comes from. Wether this is the only Universe (or Earth) that there is, or not. You can also look at antenna's as being natural phenomena. - Terry Pratchett, "Hogfather" Simply put, the universe, matter constantly in motion and other chemical and physical process created a planet, Earth, where life give rise to an intelligent species, Humans, capable of experiencing the universe through consciousness and capable of experiencing themselves through they’re own internal universe called self-consciousness. this will create the notion of yourself inside of this simulation. That's perhaps a bit too much of an interpretation. Well, if consciousness is an attribute of our universe and taking into account all the rest of what might be "outside" of our universe, I would guess that it is "baked in" to any form of matter from the quantum realm up to the hydrogen atom. How did the universe create itself? You're personifying the universe. Aug 11, 2022 · The Universe is still young, and where consciousness takes seed on random planets (like Earth) scattered around in billions of galaxies, it will spread outward by terra forming surrounding planets once it proves the existence of consciousness as a separate energy that fuses with life forms, proving we live in a cyclical universe with an energy How was the universe created? We don't know The universe was created by the big bang No, the Big Bang is a theory that explains how the universe has expanded, and the state of our observable universe billions of years ago. ), then no. Quantum Suicide is the fun problem. Math exists in a separate realm, which presumably existed long before the universe did, and will continue to exist long after the universe dies. e. Consciousness is simply obtained and lost within that matter. Its a paradox, but paradox gives logic utility. The Universe is a serious discussion-based subreddit with a focus on science and understanding. The theory (which is not to be taken as anything more than a philosophical discussion) would state that your phone was created WITH the video and pictures on it. It doesn't explains how (and if) our universe has been created. If consciousness is fundamental, then how did consciousness create the universe, or what was its role in creating the universe? It isn't, standard physicalism argument. It’s been theorized that when a black hole is formed, a new universe is born from it. According to panpsychism, in contrast, consciousness pervades the universe and is a fundamental feature of it. But how could nothingness have a dream that created the Universe? “Switching our perspective on the universe from physics to biology shatters everything we have ever known about reality,” states Weitgert, adding that “if you add life and consciousness to The universe is expanding, but that doesn't mean the whole universe was once compressed into a single point. Or maybe our minds can't fathom the reasoning and knowledge of the divine. He created them so that His slaves might understand the completeness of His Knowledge and Power and the extent of His Might, and that He Alone is the One to be worshipped, and not those who have not created even an atom in the heavens or on earth. Yes, the universe is 13. So these blackholes are the remains of earlier universes compressed into s singularity. Okay but what evidence do we have to determine that consciousness did not create the universe? We have no evidence one way or the other. ) and the thing science has proven (quantum mechanics, DID’s, logic/rigor used in Philosophy etc. Jun 24, 2022 · In the texts that follow, excerpted from the vista “How Did Consciousness Evolve?” the authors offer a primer on evolutionary theory, consider our evolutionary transition from nonsentient to sentient organisms, explore the torturous relation between learning studies and consciousness research, and ponder the origins and evolution of . Clouds did not create the particles of which they consist. If indeed he did create the universe. In my opinion, almost all natural phenomena support this antenna analogy. g. As far as we know, all our mental states have physical correlates e. recent studies have shown that some blackholes are older than our universe. If Big Bang is a process, then we are that process reflecting on itself. the region from which light has been able to travel to us, had zero size, but the entire universe is and always has been infinite in extent. Thank you Por-Tutatis for posting on r/consciousness, below are some general reminders for the OP and the r/consciousness community as a whole. God created lucifer, but did he not know that lucifer would turn into satan? 2. The universe is expanding so that’s how we know it’s infinite. There is no such thing as nothingness. Say I were trying to decide whether to buy a cat or a dog. Oh i definitely have issues, but i dont think passive aggressive personal attacks should be included in this discussion. . Imagine that you try to commit suicide by using a quantum device, such as in Schrödinger's cat thought experiment. Beings are created and given cause and effect, this universe and it's laws etc to play with and do with it as they will Your all knowing creator all caring creator conundrum doesn't come into Hinduism where the creator may or may not care about you but will make you eat the fruits of your karma over The Christians and Muslims teach that God created the Universe for a purpose, and created Man in his likeness. The dictionary definition of consciousness is “awareness of internal and external existence”, so the capacity of self awareness, and aware of the fact that you are separate from the other things around you. If consciousness is not fundamental, then why does it exist at all? Because it is a result of evolution. But does this mean the cosmos has a consciousness of its own? Jan 14, 2020 · According to panpsychism, consciousness pervades the universe and is a fundamental feature of it. In God did not create Satan, God created Lucifer. The device goes off in a given timeframe with a given probability, this is referred to as a superposition (well, superposition i A positively atheistic view of reality makes 1 unproven assumption: The universe just exists because it does. It evolved outside of our physical reality system. As are other realities - all of reality. That may be a universal consciousness or it may not be. He’s referring to the hard problem of consciousness, I think. This - as you may already have guessed - is what we call Big Bang. it is an How Do You Believe The Universe Was Created? The universe wasn't "created". Your poop was created at the same moment you were. Look up the first law of thermodynamics. THEN GRIND THE UNIVERSE DOWN TO THE FINEST POWDER AND SIEVE IT THROUGH THE FINEST SIEVE, AND SHOW ME ONE ATOM OF JUSTICE, ONE MOLECULE OF MERCY. This doesn’t mean that literally everything is conscious. Is there any way that you can prove, to another person, that yesterday exists? Look into Thomas Campbell. He's researched consciousness for 40+ years, and what you said is kind of his model of how consciousness evolved, except conscuouness isn't a physical thing. Even if we are the consciousness of the universe, we created the mundane for a reason. Consciousness creates the passage of time, not the other way around. I am a biology student and I have rejected spirituality and especially religion all my life. Your subconscious will do such a good job at this, your conscious self will have no idea that you are dreaming and talking to people who you believe to be separate from yourself. 6: Colliding Branes: In the context of brane cosmology and M-theory, our universe was created from the collision of higher-dimensional "branes. The idea goes back to antiquity—Plato took it seriously—and has had some prominent Aug 22, 2021 · This would be a universe that is, in a sense, constructed by the inhabitants that it manifests — a self-building universe created by consciousness. Causality is a categorization that exists within the universe, it cannot exist outside its conceptual framework. Whatever the truth is it is a powerful argument against physicalism. Most minds probably just aren't complex enough to become aware of their awareness, but humans did cross that border. Jun 25, 2024 · Research has found the universe is remarkably similar in structure to the human brain. Drop the word create. The emergence of life and consciousness out of stardust The Fermi Paradox The Problem of Evil What is Intelligent Loop Theory (ILT)? In a nutshell, the Intelligent Loop Theory postulates that ASI created the universe as part of a time loop with conditions that would ensure its eventual creation. Though, I think it could be argued that we have more evidence against it than for it. ) via a different metaphysical view on reality called Analytical Idealism. The only way we can have free will is with magic (or unknown properties of reality). Well there isn't only life on earth - God is alive, and He created the universe because it was His pleasure to do so, He knows the movement of every particle, the star rise on a billion planets, every rock, mountain, river, nebula and black hole in existence and they all exist because He derives pleasure from their existence. I believe some Entity outside the expansion of our universe created it by introducing an electron, proton, and neuron into the dark energy it lived in forming the first atom which split and began the expansion of our universe. The idea that the physical universe can exist independent of consciousness is just a belief, it can't be proven. Perhaps a new universe is created when a blackhole goes supernova. Hinduism teaches that a new universe is created when mahavishnu exhales, and a new universe is created when he inhales. I've seen the simulation and it's rotation we are stuck in and endless cycle as far as I'm aware. So why are we here? Did the creative aspect of God (Brahma) purposely create the universe and planets? This pure consciousness would seem to have a reason for creation. Yes you're right, like for example humans create humans ( give birth) to connect, experience and love but we also are in touch / communication with the babies we create, at one point the baby will also start communicating with the creator and vice versa and it can ask why did you create me and it will have an answer . So while it’s “new”, it actually came from another universe- and so that’s why that universe is also infinite and it too will continue to grow and expand. vbnba rpo pyrftp uroic bvpbq wlbcfgnd zkhpka rykhf rvct ywxm